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Internet Ethics and Safety

6 Commandments for Internet Ethics and Safety


Thou shalt not steal.  

This is obvious; the real world deals with physical objects. It is easy to teach a child that stealing other people’s pencils, crayons  - “stuff”- is unacceptable and, more importantly punishable. But in the online world, the idea of stealing becomes murky because there are no physical objects to steal. It is often not even clear what constitutes theft.


Thou shalt not use the computer to intentionally harm others.

Students must be taught that the computer is to be used for educational purposes.  We are never to use the computer to intentionally hurt another person.  Cyber bullying is a serious issue and students need to understand the magnitude of this type of activity.


Thou shalt not access websites illegally.

Students must be taught that just because you "can" doesn't mean you "should."  Accessing someone else's website is a serious offense that could carry with it a penalty of jail time.


Thou shalt not violate copyright law.

Copyright law is becoming a very big issue as we do more and more online.  Students need to have knowledge of copyright so they don't unintentionally violate laws about the work of others.


Thou shalt not access inappropriate websites.

Students need to understand that with the privilege of technology there also comes great responsibility.  We need to make sure that we always use our technology for educational purposes and conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner.


Thou shalt not inhibit the learning of others.

When students are allowed to do their work utilizing technology, they need to know how important it is to actually do their work.  Students must never inhibit their own learning or the learning of others by off task behavior.


Useful Links for Parents, Students, and Teachers

ISTE website is a resource for teachers and parents with tons of helpful information about technology integration, internet safety, and digital citizenship.

This website has a great list of rules for students on internet safety.

Resource for teachers that has lessons and key information that needs to be presented to students in order to provide digital citizenship lessons.

Information and resources on cyberbullying for both the classroom and for parents.

Information for students on being digital citizens.  There are games and information for kids.

Videos and tips on digital citizenship

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